Reserva del viaje Exploring Volcanoes

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Visión general

Esta excursión es para aquellos que desean vivir una experiencia inolvidable, que quieren ver por ellos mismos las bellezas de nuestra naturaleza y que sueñan de explorarla a través de una increíble y única aventura.

El viaje comienza a nivel del mar, y poco a poco os llevamos a una altitud de 2.300 metros.

Durante esta excursión, subiremos a los impresionantes volcanes activos, pasaremos en las crestas de las calderas y descenderemos al cráter de Kawah Ijen para admirar las "llamas azules", un fenómeno único en el mundo, así como el lago ácido sulfúrico más grande de mundo. Por lo tanto, seréis testigos del trabajo de los "mineros de azufre" dentro del cráter.Durante esta excursión, visitaréis dos de los volcanes más interesantes del mundo.

Puede perder mucho si viaja a Java por su cuenta. Leer más aquí.

Características del tour

No se requiere prepago

3 días 2 noches

¿Viajero en solitario? Bienvenido!

Inicio y regreso - Surabaya

Idioma - Inglés

Viaje privado disponible bajo petición

Comida vegetariana bajo petición

Seguro turístico incluido

¿Para qué visitar al Bromo e al Kawah Ijen?

  • Para disfrutar del magnífico amanecer en la imponente caldera del súper volcán Tenger-Bromo.
  • Para escuchar el increíble estruendo de las profundidades de la Tierra en la cresta del Bromo.
  • Para ver los lugares más bellos de Java Oriental

Short description

Día 1: Aeropuerto de Surabaya (Java) a las 18h00: Salida hacia al Bromo.

Día 2: Subida del Bromo y viaje hacia el Kawah Ijen.

Día 3: Subida del Kawah Ijen y vuelta a Surabaya (+/- 15h00).

Día 1 – Viaje desde el aeropuerto de Surabaya (18h00))

Desde el aeropuerto de Surabaya (o la estación de tren), en un automóvil (o minibús) cómodo, viajamos al Bromo (recogida posible en Probolinggo en la estación de tren alrededor de las 21:00) a través de paisajes típicos de Java.

Llegamos al último pueblo más cerca del Bromo (altitud 2300m), al comienzo de la noche y después de una cena "local" (picnic) disfrutaremos de una breve noche de descanso antes de la visita y del ascenso. Noche en GOOD KARMA Bromo.

Día 2 – Encuentro con el Bromo

Nos despertamos y nos vamos alrededor de las 3 de la mañana, en un jeep 4x4, subimos a la cima de la caldera Tenger-Bromo para llegar al mirador de "King-Kong" (2650 m de altitud) para admirar el amanecer sobre volcanes extraordinarios:

Bromo (volcán activo, 2.300 m)

Batok (volcán extinto, 2.400 m)

Semeru (volcán activo y en erupción, 3,677 m y el volcán más alto de Java

Después de este magnífico amanecer (y dependiendo de las condiciones climáticas), cruzaremos el "mar de arena" (compuesto principalmente de polvo y cenizas de las últimas erupciones del volcán), antes de llegar a los templos hindúes al pie de los muy espectaculares volcanes Bromo y Batok.

Al recorrer estos templos dedicados a los dioses vivos en el cráter, subiremos por un camino estrecho y sinuoso hasta los 250 escalones para llegar a la cumbre del Bromo. Solo entonces, aturdidos por el sonido de las profundidades de la tierra, presenciaremos el espectáculo del cráter humeante con sus vapores sulfurosos escapando del volcán. ¡Un recuerdo inolvidable!

Después de descubrir este extraordinario sitio volcánico, continuaremos nuestra aventura a través de magníficos paisajes, pueblos pintorescos, varias plantaciones de café, tabaco o arroz. También viviremos momentos de vida tradicionales de esta magnífica región volcánica. Un almuerzo casero nos deleitará antes de llegar a nuestro hotel.

Día 3 – Conquistando el Kawah Ijen

Salida del hotel a las 23:00 (día 2). Para llegar al campamento de base de Kawah Ijen se faltan unas 2 horas de viaje. Después de presentar las instrucciones de seguridad y asignar los equipos esenciales como lámparas, máscaras de gas, guantes etc., comenzaremos el ascenso nocturno a la 1 de la mañana. Nuestros experimentados guías os llevarán a la cima (2,300 m de altitud) a través de un hermoso sendero de montaña, bajo un techo de estrellas. Tardaremos entre 1:30 y 2 horas para llegar a la cumbre.

Una vez que llegamos a la cima, toca la parte más increíble: en completa oscuridad, bajaremos dentro del cráter activo del volcán para ser los testigos privilegiados de un fenómeno único en el mundo: las "llamas azules".

Nuestros guías, en su mayoría, son antiguos mineros y cargadores de azufre, conocen el cráter como la palma de su mano. Os ayudarán a bajar adentro de manera segura, controlarán que utilizáis las máscaras protectoras de forma adecuada y proporcionándolos ayuda y orientación constantemente en este entorno extremadamente impresionante. El sol sale sobre las 5 de la mañana, a partir de allí podréis apreciar un paisaje único con el lago de ácido sulfúrico más grande del mundo.

Tomaremos el tiempo para apreciar la escena surrealista que nos rodea: ¡admirar el día que se levanta en el lago turquesa mientras animaremos a los valientes trabajadores del azufre que llevan cargas increíbles sobre sus hombros hasta la cima del cráter!

Alrededor de las 6 a las 7 de la mañana, volveremos al campamento de base (1900 m de altitud) A la luz del día, podréis descubrir el magnífico camino que da acceso a la caldera de este estratovolcán.

Llenos de energía e impresiones únicas, descenderemos suavemente por los lados del volcán. Nos esperará un desayuno preparado especialmente para nosotros por una familia local de Java en el campamento de base y luego regresaremos a Surabaya (llegada +/- 15:00).

¡Os garantizamos que estarán físicamente cansados! Pero pasará rápidamente para dar paso a la alegría de recuerdos inolvidables.

Tarifas del tour: EV 3 Dias en Java

Para participar en esta aventura, simplemente consultar las fechas y registrarse lo más rápido posible para asegurarse de que haya disponibilidad.

El viaje se realiza una vez por semana y la cantidad de asientos es limitada.

1 persona $ 320; € 290; RP 4 490 000
2 o más participantes (por participante) $ 280; €250; RP 3 990 000


La excursión incluye:

Transporte automóvil cómodo o minibús

Seguro legal de actividades turísticas

Entradas en Bromo y Kawah Ijen

Paseo en un jeep 4x4 al Bromo, con conductor

Guía profesional

Proporcionamos gratuitamente: lámparas, máscaras, respiradores, guantes y ropa de abrigo.

Alojamiento en Bromo (GOOD KARMA Bromo) y Kawah Ijen. Basado en el uso compartido máximo de 2 personas (estándar local (para viajeros en solitario, 1 persona por habitación), agua caliente solo en Bromo, no se proporcionan toallas ni jabón).

Alimentos y bebidas: orgánicos, locales, javaneses.
Las comidas y bebidas (cocina orgánica local de Java) se reservan de acuerdo con nuestra experiencia y no se pueden cambiar. Hay una opción vegetariana disponible, avisarnos al hacer la reserva. Los alimentos y bebidas que elijáis personalmente, aparte de las comidas ordenadas por adelantado, no están incluidos y se deben pagar por separado.
Primer día: cena.
Segundo día: desayuno, almuerzo y cena (picnic).
Tercer día: Desayuno en el campamento base, almuerzo.

El precio de la excursión NO incluye

Su propio seguro

Alimentos y bebidas adicionales

Gastos personales

Propina para guías y conductores (opcional)


Viajes privados, solicitudes especiales y otras preguntas

Si estáis planeando un viaje en grupo, no estándar (una fecha específica, un lugar de reunión y/o desembarco diferente o cualquier solicitudes especiales) o preferís viajar de forma independiente o las fechas programadas no os convienen, ¡estamos aquí para ayudaros!


  • Recogida y dejar en vuestro hotel*
  • Automóvil & conductor  privado y cómodo
  • Posibilidad de llevar vuestro equipaje
  • Guías profesionales privados en volcanes

*Dejar posible en Denpasar, Kuta, Seminyak, Canggu, Ubud, Munduk y Pemuteran. Para otras ubicaciones, consultar con nosotros

Precios para:

1 o 2 personas: 110,990,000 RP o 720€ o $ 790 3 personas: 15,990,000 RP o 990€ o $ 1,140
4 personas: 19,990,000 RP o 1,290€ o $ 1,430 Para más de 4 personas, consultarnos.

* De Denpasar, Kuta, Seminyak, Canggu, Ubud, Munduk y Pemuteran. Para otras ubicaciones, consultar con nosotros.

Para todas vuestras solicitudes especiales, dejadnos un mensaje y nos pondremos en contacto con vosotros lo antes posible para satisfacer vuestras necesidades específicas.

Solicitud especial

Información importante

Las temperaturas en la cima de los volcanes (2.300 m), pueden variar entre 2 y 25 grados. Por eso, recomendamos encarecidamente que todos tengan el equipo adecuado.

Tenéis que llevar zapatillas de senderismo o de deporte y ropa abrigada (chaqueta, ropa impermeable, sudadera, forro polar, sombreros, etc.) así que calcetines extras. También, llevar pañuelos y papel higiénico. En el campo de base de Bromo ofrecerán una gran selección de gorros hechos de lana natural a precios muy accesibles.

  • Los objetos adicionales necesarios para ascender a Kawah Ijen, se proporcionarán de forma gratuita: mascarillas, guantes, linternas. Si es necesario, le facilitaremos abrigos y chubasqueros.
  • A pesar de que estéis cubiertos por nuestro seguro de actividad turística, le recomendamos que estéis asegurado individualmente por vuestro seguro de viaje.
  • No hay ningún costes adicionales; solo vuestros gastos personales, bebidas y alimentos fuera de las comidas y propinas para guías y conductores (opcional) quedan a vuestro cargo.
  • La empresa está dirigida por objetivos de seguridad y prevención. Nos reservamos el derecho de actuar a nuestra discreción y de manera adecuada en caso de situaciones imprevistas que puedan surgir durante el viaje. Los servicios ya pagados por el viaje no pueden ser devueltos.
  • En el caso de una erupción o riesgo de una erupción o por cualquier razón natural, "fuera de nuestro control", las decisiones tomadas por los miembros o la administración de la empresa, no pueden en ningún caso generar un reembolso del viaje. La empresa no puede ser responsable de estos eventos.
  • Toda la información de ruta se proporciona solo de forma informativa y puede cambiar sin aviso previo, según las circunstancias, las condiciones climáticas, la disponibilidad local y cualquier necesidad de cambio.

¡Cualquier bebida alcohólica está estrictamente prohibida durante todo el viaje!

Al suscribirse a esta aventura, aceptáis (o incluso buscáis) estar "fuera de vuestra zona de comodidad", una condición inevitable de cualquier viaje o excursión a Java.

Para los niños menores de 14 años, nuestros guías decidirán, dependiendo de las condiciones climáticas y la actividad volcánica, si es posible que desciendan dentro del cráter. (Sin embargo, el acceso a la cima del volcán no está regulado).

Punto de encuentro

Aeropuerto de Surabaya. Terminal 2.
Restaurante Soto Bangkalan
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda, Segoro Tambak, Sedati, Kabupaten Sidoarjo.
Hora de la reunión Día 1: 6pm (18h00)
Hora de llegada Día 3: alrededor de las 3 pm (15h00)

Posibilidad de encuentro en la estación de tren de Gubeng.
Jl. Gubeng Masjid No.5, Airlangga, Kec. Gubeng, Kota SBY, Jawa
Hora de encuentro Día 1 : +/- 18h30
Hora de vuelta Día 3 : +/- 15h00 

 #1  #2  #3  #4  #5

It was amazing! From our arrival in Probolinggo, we were well taken care of by our driver (I forgot his name oups) who throughout the trip was very caring for us. Arrivals in Bromo we met our guide Wiio (?), He was great too, very attentive, caring and always ready to answer our questions. We really enjoyed seeing the sunrise directly on the crater and not at the viewpoints with all the tourists. There was only us on the crater at that time so it was really crazy. The visit of Kawah Ijen was also very good, Harry is the guide at the top too, it was great to learn about his experience as a bearer of sulfur, plus he really knows the whole site by heart so he had answer to all our questions. In addition, we had a lot of luck with time on both visits which made them even more incredible. Regarding the meals, everything was very good (our driver even offered us pastries and coconut, we loved it). Just maybe for the evening meal before the Kawah Ijen it might be better to have dinner together but that's just a detail. Although we did not sleep the rooms were very decent. In summary three amazing days, we will highly recommend your agency and we will leave a very positive comment on your page! A big thank you for everything.

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Jean Paul Steinmann
 #1  #2  #3  #4  #5

My circuit of Java volcanoes ended today. I wish to express my satisfaction as to its realization. Everything was excellently organized, with well-oiled logistics, an excellent team of escorts and a very good driver. The two tours of Bromo and Kawah Ijen present different interests that are definitely worth the trip, even if they require sustained efforts for the climbing stages. Thank you for this excellent discovery tour made possible by the team Indotravel Team.

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Sebastian & Pia
 #1  #2  #3  #4  #5

Found Pierrick and his team through a couple of recommendations by various travel blogs. I have to admit they were 100% correct, the trip was amazing and one of our best experiences, we enjoyed it a lot! There organization was perfect, including the pickup from our hotel, the funny driver, the great local guide, the drop-off afterwards, and even the arrangement of our airport transfer. The breakfast with the Indonesian family was very good, a bit heavy and plenty though. Hari was a superb guide as well, taking very good care of everyone in the group and making sure that everyone has a marvelous experience. We had a lot of fun with him on the way and in the crater. He was very knowledgeable and was even eager to take some good shots of us. The smaller group was also a big plus! It was not only ensuring a lot of attention by Hari, but made the whole experience feel safe. As you can probably imagine, we can only highly recommend this great team. Thanks so much! Cheers, Sebastian & Pia

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Katya Orlova
 #1  #2  #3  #4  #5

Two of us attended a 3-day Bromo-Ijen tour by Indotravelsteam from Ubud. It was quite long way to our destination; however, moving to Bromo area was not stressful due to comfortable minibuses and nice drivers. The entire group consisted of about 20 people from various countries, split mostly into 2 sub-groups during the move. The main organiser, Pierrick, is a very experienced and knowledgeable guide, who gave a lot of support to everyone. He was very responsive before the trip to clarify everything quickly. During the trip, we enjoyed his company and French(?) jokes very much. Local guides were also very nice. They all spoke English well, and on the way down to caldera Ijen, they guided us safely and provided us support whenever needed. They even offered to take many photos for everyone, including photos of the famous blue flames with our cameras and mobile phones, which look fantastic :-) We were the only vegetarians, but very tasty vegetarian options were made available everywhere in local Javanese cafes and restaurants, which we enjoyed very much. Before the trip, we were unsure about going to these volcanoes on Java until the very end of our stay on Bali and even thought about trying to go there on our own for a moment. However, during the tour, I realised how complicated it might have been if we were to do it on our own and understood a lot of work behind the scenes was necessary to make everything so well-organised. The only thing which made this trip somewhat difficult for me was motion sickness, which I felt in a car frequently on mountain roads. If you are worried about it, please ask the driver about a pill (which I was shy to do and it was a mistake) or take your own. Then, all will be fine. ;-) Ijen and Bromo are very unique and special places, and I can highly recommend the trip with Pierrick and his team. For me, it was an unforgettable journey. Thank you!!! :-)

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Katya Orlova
 #1  #2  #3  #4  #5

Two of us attended a 3-day Bromo-Ijen tour by Indotravelsteam from Ubud. It was quite long way to our destination; however, moving to Bromo area was not stressful due to comfortable minibuses and nice drivers. The entire group consisted of about 20 people from various countries, split mostly into 2 sub-groups during the move. The main organiser, Pierrick, is a very experienced and knowledgeable guide, who gave a lot of support to everyone. He was very responsive before the trip to clarify everything quickly. During the trip, we enjoyed his company and French(?) jokes very much. Local guides were also very nice. They all spoke English well, and on the way down to caldera Ijen, they guided us safely and provided us support whenever needed. They even offered to take many photos for everyone, including photos of the famous blue flames with our cameras and mobile phones, which look fantastic :-) We were the only vegetarians, but very tasty vegetarian options were made available everywhere in local Javanese cafes and restaurants, which we enjoyed very much. Before the trip, we were unsure about going to these volcanoes on Java until the very end of our stay on Bali and even thought about trying to go there on our own for a moment. However, during the tour, I realised how complicated it might have been if we were to do it on our own and understood a lot of work behind the scenes was necessary to make everything so well-organised. The only thing which made this trip somewhat difficult for me was motion sickness, which I felt in a car frequently on mountain roads. If you are worried about it, please ask the driver about a pill (which I was shy to do and it was a mistake) or take your own. Then, all will be fine. ;-) Ijen and Bromo are very unique and special places, and I can highly recommend the trip with Pierrick and his team. For me, it was an unforgettable journey. Thank you!!! :-)

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 #1  #2  #3  #4  #5

I spent with Indotravel team over 3 days and it was wonderful. We did the night hike to Bromo and Ijen As I was traveling Indonesia I didn’t come from Bali as the rest of the group but came to the “basement” by myself. Night before the hike we check in to our accommodation, we had a room each. As I have been hiking volcanoes quite a bit all over the world I was expecting the room with 10 beds and no shower but I was positively surprised. We had a room each, hot shower, water, towel, Pierrick organised the dinner for us. For people who don’t do this kind of trips it is not 5 star hotel, but regarding the fact those trips are organised far away from civilisation I was more than happy. It was clean, everything organised perfectly, I didn’t need to look after anything (nice chance after months of traveling and organising everything by myself). With Pierrick and his team you don’t need to be worried. They know what are they doing. RECOMMEND!

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 #1  #2  #3  #4  #5

Amazing trip! Well organized unique experience, stunning views and fun people! Will definitely do another trips with Indotravelteam

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 #1  #2  #3  #4  #5

First of all, we started our adventure in Probolligo. A driver was waiting for us at the station and drive us to Camp to Lawang where Nicolas, our Tour Leader was waiting for us. From this moment until the end, Nicolas was accompanying us with professionalism and was really helpful. The trip in itself correspond exactly to the description made by Pierick. Accomodations were simple (as it is in every guest house on a mountain trip) but comfortable. We even had hot water (that wasn't sure on the description). The treks were really nice. For the Bromo we started by the volcano and not the view point. That was really nice, it allowed us to be alone on the volcano and the sunrise was awesome! For the Ijen, the trek was harder because of the smoke but.... that's the reason we were there! To conclude, really nice trip, really nice guide. Not an easy adventure but it deserves to be done.

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 #1  #2  #3  #4  #5

First of all, we started our adventure in Probolligo. A driver was waiting for us at the station and drive us to Camp to Lawang where Nicolas, our Tour Leader was waiting for us. From this moment until the end, Nicolas was accompanying us with professionalism and was really helpful. The trip in itself correspond exactly to the description made by Pierick. Accomodations were simple (as it is in every guest house on a mountain trip) but comfortable. We even had hot water (that wasn't sure on the description). The treks were really nice. For the Bromo we started by the volcano and not the view point. That was really nice, it allowed us to be alone on the volcano and the sunrise was awesome! For the Ijen, the trek was harder because of the smoke but.... that's the reason we were there! To conclude, really nice trip, really nice guide. Not an easy adventure but it deserves to be done.

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 #1  #2  #3  #4  #5

First of all, we started our adventure in Probolligo. A driver was waiting for us at the station and drive us to Camp to Lawang where Nicolas, our Tour Leader was waiting for us. From this moment until the end, Nicolas was accompanying us with professionalism and was really helpful. The trip in itself corresponds exactly to the description made by Pierick. Accommodations were simple (as it is in every guest house on a mountain trip) but comfortable. We even had hot water (that wasn't sure on the description). The treks were really nice. For the Bromo we started by the volcano and not the viewpoint. That was really nice, it allowed us to be alone on the volcano and the sunrise was awesome! For the Ijen, the trek was harder because of the smoke but.... that's the reason we were there! To conclude, really nice trip, really nice guide. Not an easy adventure but it deserves to be done.

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